I was so in love with how the pictures of "Two gorgeous kids on a gorgeous day" turned out I had to venture out with my two munchkins to try to re-create the "perfect shoot" I had the other day. Well you know your own children are NEVER as good for you as they are for someone else. Ha. There was no re-creation, but I did get a couple of good ones. My children don't think I am as interesting as all the other kiddos that I get the pleasure of playing with (or maybe they are plum tired of having a camera in their face all of the time). Enjoy!
I started a blog for Ellis Avery Photography to give parents the much anticipated "teasers" of our session. I love to comment on my day and my adorable faces that I have had the pleasure of spending time with. Please enjoy my most recent sessions.
I had a wonderful morning taking pictures of these beautiful siblings. They both are so photogenic and loved being in front of the camera which makes my job fun! The day was beautiful and made me realize how much I love spring and love taking pictures.
You can bet that you will see this little girl's name in the Olympic Games one day. She is so fast and full of energy. Well worth it though! I got some adorable pictures. The camera loves her beautiful face.
I loved shooting this little cutie pie. She loved to smile and could be one of the happiest toddlers I have ever seen. I had so much fun playing with her. She also wins the best dressed award for her adorable outfit.
Don't you love brotherly love? I love this shot. I feel like the little guys expression says it all! Babies are so fun. They are forced to sit still and cooperate..... well most of the time!